484 Columbian St. Weymouth MA 02190

Data Destruction Needham

Computer VIP offers Data Destruction for Schools, Institutions, Corporations and Individuals. We come out to your business or home and securely destroy all hard drives, tapes and other data related media you wish to destroy. We provide you with an audited list of drives destroyed.
Failing to properly destroy discarded business, patient, customer, credit or other sensitive data could create legal and public issues.  Call us today to request a Data Destruction quote. (781) 331-3120
After the hard drives go through this process, they are sent into a large shredder guaranteeing all your Data is in Data Heaven.

•Extremely Rugged Design-can be used with or without electricity
•Used by both NSA & DOD Agencies for Hard Drive Destruction world-wide
•NO POWER Required in emergencies
•Designed for Rapid Emergency & Normal Destruction of Hard Drives
•Fast Destruction: 10 seconds or less To destroy a hard disk drive
•Easily Transportable and Quickly Deployed

Your Data is Now in Data Heaven or Hell.